Monday, April 18, 2016

Gossip Girls

When asked if they have ever called someone a sl*t, or another rude name, ten out of ten girls said they have. Girls constantly talk about other girls behind their back because they feel threatened and talking smack makes them feel better about themselves. According to Business Insider, “Since girls are more likely to be trained to elaborate and include their feelings in their memory-making, they're more likely to remember better.” This also causes girls to hold grudges longer. Another reason girls call other girls derogatory names is because they are jealous of them and don’t have confidence about themselves.

This is a giant problem and it is one of the largest forms of bullying at Treasure Mountain and all across the United States. Girls should be encouraged to be confident about who they are and confident about their decisions and body. Obviously, they shouldn’t do anything too drastic or inappropriate, but they also shouldn't be defined for one bad decision they have made in their life.

As the famous quote from Mean Girls depicts this issue, “You all need to stop calling each other sl*ts and wh*res. That just makes it okay for guys to call you that.” And it’s true. The other problem with this is the fact that guys are continuously pressuring girls into doing things they don’t feel comfortable with or don’t want to do at this age. Then, whether or not they do or don’t do what the guys want, the boys call them rude names in the halls and make them feel bad about themselves. It’s a lose-lose situation; if guys pressure a girl into doing something, the girls have to live with the guilt and risk being called a sl*t. If they don’t do what the guy wants, girls have the risk of being called either a prude or still a sl*t (which, honestly, is so confusing considering those words are polar opposites).

The problem with guys starts with girls. Like Cady Heron said in Mean Girls, girls calling each other mean names just makes it okay for guys to do it too. The problems starts with girls, so stop calling each other that! If we all work together as the beautiful people we are, we can put a stop to this for good.

Hali W and Cami B.

1 comment:

  1. This makes me so sad. I hate to hear/read about bullying.
