Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Everyone Poops, But It Shouldn't Be In The School Bathroom!

The girl’s bathroom in Treasure Mountain looks like a murder scene and it smells worse than a dump. Girls are much grosser than guys think we are. There are numerous things that we can do to make our bathrooms more sanitary.

Girls need to stop dumping their feminine products in the toilet and leaving their "mess" everywhere. The stalls do have little metal boxes for teen girls to put their feminine products in. Some students don’t use the boxes and drop their used products into the toilet. That’s incredibly unsanitary, it leaves
the stall looking like someone was killed in it and it smells so bad that no one would ever want to use that stall. Every girl knows that feminine products do not go down the toilet. Words cannot express how disgusting it is if someone leaves their tampon in the toilet and not flush. The girls at Treasure need to learn how to keep a bathroom clean.

Some of the girls poop in the bathroom, which leads to a smelly bathroom and hallway. If you want to poop in our bathrooms you must double flush or triple flush; it eliminates the pungent smell. Who would want to poop in a public place anyway? It’s embarrassingly smelly and the girls around you can hear that you’re pooping. There is always poop stuck to the inside of the toilet and no one does anything about it, when that happens no one uses that stall and it never gets cleaned. Even if you go to that exact same stall it will still have blood and poop still on it. Treasure Mountain needs to clean the girls bathroom. Contrary to belief the girls make a bigger mess than the boys.

The custodians clean the bathroom every day after school. Ms. Hooker has seen them go into the bathrooms to clean, but somehow they are still gross in the morning. Because of after school programs the bathrooms are left as a disgusting. After school programs need to either clean up their mess or have the janitors clean up after their crap, literally!

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