Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Speed Nazis


A new color has been added to the original blue and red ski uniforms of the Park City Mountain staff. The new member of the staff is “safety patrol”, and they monitor the “slow zones” (the yellow signs found at the bases of lifts). They were brought in by Ski Utah to reduce the number of accidents and out of control skiers and snowboarders. The safety patrol stays around the slow zones to catch people skiing “too fast”. If someone is caught they are pulled over given a scolding, and then scanned to be placed in the system of “out of control” skiers. Seems like a good idea. However, the new addiction has created quite an outrage among skiers and snowboarders.

“I blow past the safety patrol every day. They don't care. Some yell, but beyond that, nothing happens.” says a Park City student on The staff have gotten the reputation of being careless, lazy and that they only work for the free Epic pass they are given. On the contrary, the Park City Ski Patrol center has received many complaints about how the staff is too strict and reprimand anyone who is going fast even if they are in control. There is one case where a safety patroller chased someone into the parking lot for going “too fast”. The safety patrollers have been called speed nazis. “They just wait by the slow zones in hopes to find anyone going fast. You could be the best skier in the world or safest snowboarder.” says Dave Georger, a skier at Park City Mountain Resort.

Needless to say, many people are frustrated with new Safety Patrol that has been added. Nevertheless, it’s important to stay safe and not to get your pass taken away So, next time you're planning on flying through a merge zone keep your eyes open for yellow jackets.

"Park City "safety Patrol"" EpicSki. Web. 24 Mar. 2016.

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