Thursday, March 10, 2016

Is the 2016 US Presidential Election Desensitizing America?

Trump, Trump, Trump! This seems to be the only thing people are hearing about when it comes to politics, and more specifically and more importantly, electing a new President for our country!! However, the things that students are hearing about Mr. Trump are not things like where federal taxes are set, but rather, that he wants to punch obese men and, generally, his offensive statements.

A survey conducted recently by yours truly asked two questions.
The first was a multiple choice question:
“Do you think that the 2016 US Election is causing people to become desensitized or, put bluntly, mean?”

Next, participants were asked to respond with text to "If so, why and/or how?"

These are a few of the responses collected, unedited:

“Since Donald Trump has turned the elections into more of a reality TV show, he has created an environment in which people are turning serious political discussions into a roasting session.”

“I think that all elections make people mean. People want their opinion to be right and they don't really think about what they are saying to other people. In addition, I think Donald Trump is getting everyone riled up and he is just stirring the pot.”

“People are turning against each other when we should be coming together. People are also taking offense to who everyone wants to vote for.”

“First of all I believe that it is causing an outrage in my honest opinion I will be blunt most of the people running for president straight up SUCK yes I mean Donald Trump excuse my french but the world is going to become a living hell if he is elected, he is trying to move all mexicans out EXCUSE ME he's telling me as a hispanic that all my friends are going to have to go back to mexico hell to the no that is not going to happen does he have a brain who does he think makes all the buildings and helps garden in park city or utah as a matter a fact. Hispanics simply do the things that americans are too lazy to do so in this 2016 election if I could choose someone to win it would be Bernie Sanders or Rubio.”

“I don't know whether it is causing people to become desensitized or not because I have not been paying much attention to the 2016 election.”

“I think that the 2016 elections have been influenced by candidates attacking their opponents on a personal level. There have also been many racial and prejudice remarks from candidates. Many of the candidates have been extremely unprofessional and certainly un-presidential. I think that the 2016 elections have turned the race for president into a reality TV show.”

“People think that they can say whatever they want and not have any consequences. This is regarding racist remarks on television. We have come so far to get rid of negativity towards different ethnicities, cultures, religions, sexes. And this election is bringing up subjects that we have already overcome. We are beginning to repeat history.”

“I think it can go either ways. Every person over 18 has the right to vote, and a lot of people have different candidates they want to vote for. This can cause fights for many reasons. For example, some people want to vote for Trump, but some people hate Trump. So this could cause a fight between them and maybe ruin their relationship. However, everyone can vote for anyone they want and other people should respect their decision.”

“I haven't heard anyone being mean over it. Everything I've heard are lighthearted comments - I haven't seen anyone react to them with offense, nor do I think anyone would keep making them if they WERE offensive (and anyone spoke up).”

“I think kids who can't even vote yet begin to argue constantly about their opinions without consideration.”

“Elections are always 'desensitized', and always will be.”

“Any election does, it doesn't matter if it's the 2016 election!!!!!!!!”

Article by Owen Nagel

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