Friday, February 12, 2016

Top Three Reasons To Take The Bus

Top Three Reasons To Take The Bus
By Ellie Fischer

The buses here in Park City, Utah, have revolutionized the way transportation works. There are many reasons the transit here is amazing. The three that stand out the most are listed below.

1.) Saves the Environment
The Park City transit system uses biodiesel to operate the buses in a healthy and clean way. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, “biodiesel is a form of diesel fuel manufactured from vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled restaurant greases.” This means that it is a safe way to power machinery while keeping pollutants out of the air. Another reason buses protect the environment is because buses can hold a numerous amount of people, while cars can only hold a certain handful. This is relevant information because decreasing the amount of cars driven, can clear up the air and keep the environment healthy.

2.) Decreases risks of car accidents
There are many reasons this is a common factor that contributes to people's lives. Taking the bus is the best solution for fatigue driving, drunk driving, distraction, and road rage. One person is killed every half hour due to drunk driving according to the website, 'Lifetips'. Taking the transit system in Park City, and any other city, will help these numbers decrease dramatically. Traffic can often create chaos among the roads which causes people to lash out. Often times this road rage can lead to disasters, such as car wrecks. As you may know, this is very bad for a person’s health condition and money standards, so why not take the bus to prevent all this stress in your life?

3.) Saves money

Referring back to the last paragraph, taking the Park City buses can save money in various ways. It contributes to not having to pay for car insurance, gas, or a way of transportation. This is a substantial plan for anyone’s life because when getting in a car accident, the costs are breathtakingly high. Not to mention, the monthly check ups you have to go through to keep your car operating. Gas prices are rising enormously as years go by, which makes it harder and harder to come up with the money to provide the gas someone needs. Mark Fischer stated that, “Gas prices have historically risen over the years, which leaves less money for for groceries and other optional expenses.” Taking the bus would help eliminate of all of these hassles.

In conclusion, the Park City transit system provides great service, saves money and it keeps the roads and environment safe. People need to start thinking about what the greater good is for the city. Taking the bus is one of these aspects of life and the city has done a great job providing it.

"Free Park City Transit System." Park City Utah Transportation. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Feb. 2016.

"How Free-fare Transit Works in Cache County and Park City." The Salt Lake Tribune. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Feb. 2016.

"Park City Transit." Park City, UT : Transit Bus. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Feb. 2016.

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