Born in Nashville, I am Owen, a 12 year old 8th grader and math, music, and book lover. After about 8 months, my family moved four times before settling in a small town in Utah.
At three years, my lower leg got caught in a ladder and it broke. The very next day, on the way to the hospital for my leg, my mom said her water broke. One of my now three brothers was born that day.
When I was starting pre-school, I started the violin. At eight years old, I was baptized into the LDS Church. After the sixth grade, I was eligible to skip ahead to eighth grade, so I took that opportunity. I am now taking Chinese, ninth grade math, journalism, percussion, and jazz band, among the other standard classes. I recently stopped taking violin lessons and am now taking piano and drums.
You have an amazing story! Can't wait to read more of your writing!