Thursday, March 5, 2015

Future Business Leaders of America State Competition

On March 3rd through the 4th, at the Davis Conference Center in Layton, there will be the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) state competition. FBLA is an organization for students that are interested in learning about the free enterprise. In Park City, FBLA consists of ninth to twelfth grade students, as well as Mr. Fisher, a high school teacher and the adviser for the club. The students are leaving on the 2nd of March. 

The FBLA club will be staying the night in a hotel near the David Conference Center. This is the first two day competition this year. One ninth grade student, Marcello says, “This is my first FBLA competition and I am really looking forward to it.”

Although FBLA didn’t place for regionals, they now have a better chance of placing. Also, they have a bigger chance of placing in events. Rachel Frain, a teacher for FBLA says, “We have way more people then we did in for Regions, so we now have a better chance to win.” 

There are many events that the students of FBLA can participate in. Including, Public Speaking one and two, Job Interview, Impromptu Speaking, many test that one is able to take, and much more.

Mr. Fisher, the adviser for the club says, “I am really excited for state. All of the students are going to be amazing.”

Help support and cheer on FBLA during the state competition. With so many schools to go against, they are going to need it.

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