Thursday, November 20, 2014

The 9th Grade Voice

Should 9th grade students be included at high school events? This has been a largely debated question recently, not only in Park City, but around the country. Many seem to believe that by putting 9th graders in a separate building and not including them in activities will help their "transition" into high school.
Krissy a 9th grade student at TMJH says,"Being included in social situations with older students won't be harmful to us, if anything it will get us used to being in high school and make it easier to transition into being a responsible high schooler." With more diverse and abundant clubs and activities at high schools it gives kids who were once left out the chance to find others who share common interests. High school give students the freedom that they need on the search to find out who they are, but in junior highs that freedom is constricted and causes more problems.

Junior high schools give 9th grade students the feeling of being locked up, they need freedom in order to be the people they are meant to be. People usually think that being at a junior high will help 9th graders to ease into the high school. It has the opposite effect, being at a junior high doesn't make the work easier, the classes are just as hard, the only thing it does is constrict us.

When asked whether Freshmen should be included in the junior high or high school TMJH student Amanda thinks that they should be at the high school, "So they can get used to it, easier and quicker." Mrs. Mathews the TMJH librarian was asked the same question and answered, "I prefer them at the high school." She believes that being in and actual high school makes the reality of high school more real to them, students at junior highs are disconnected to high school and don't realize how much their GPA means now. She also thinks that when put at the top of their class 9th grade boys get into more trouble then when there are upperclassmen to put them in their place. Of course junior highs also have their benefits, she points out that it protects younger girls from older high school guys, then she suggested that there be a 9th grade only campus.

Whether we're in a 9th grade campus, or combined with our upperclassmen in a high school, 9th grade students need to brake away from the juvenile feel of the junior highs. It's about time that the education system listens to the 9th grade voice and put us where we feel is best for us.

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