Friday, May 6, 2016

Glamorous Gaudet Teacher Feature

This week’s teacher feature is on Mrs. Gaudet, the eighth grade History teacher at Treasure Mountain Junior High. She’s been teaching for seven years, and she chose to teach history because she fell in love with it while studying abroad in the Czech Republic. Mrs. Gaudet states that she grew up hating history, but her history teacher where she was studying abroad made history like a story, not just a bunch of dates and facts to memorize.

Mrs. Gaudet met her husband when she was at her sister’s wedding as a bridesmaid. He was a groomsman. She also has one daughter, Eloise, and two dogs, Chauncy and Leroy. Mrs. Gaudet shares that her favorite thing about her daughter is her sense of humor and the fact that Eloise can remember everything (which can be good or bad, depending on the circumstances!). Chauncy unconditionally loves his owners and looks at for them, even if that means holding grudges against people and dogs that have crossed him, and Leroy is constantly excited about every little thing that happens - Mrs. Gaudet wishes she could be as excited about things as he is!

The majority of Mrs. Gaudet’s life has been spent in Park City, although she was born in Bridgeport, Connecticut. When she was seven, her own family moved to Park City; the first thing she remembers about the city is getting locked outside on a balcony before she had moved here! After high school and in hopes of pursuing her dreams of college and art school, Mrs. Gaudet left Park City, but she realized that Park City was the place she wanted to live and that Treasure Mountain was the place she wanted to teach. Mrs. Gaudet is so dedicated to this town and school that, when asked what her favorite childhood memory was, she responded, “My days at Treasure Mountain."

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