Treasure Mountain Junior High School (TMJH) and Park City High School (PCHS) have the start time of 7:35 in the morning. However, some students have to get up even earlier due to the bus schedule. Junior high students often feel exhausted, and have a hard time focusing this early in the morning.
According to, a teenager getting up at 7:00 is like an adult getting up at 4:00 am. The recommended amount of sleep for teenagers is 8-10 hours. If a student wakes up at 6 in the morning, they should be going to bed at 9. Although with homework and other extra-curricular activities, some students are only getting 6-7 hours of sleep. This causes major stress and fatigue.
"My alarm goes off at 5:30, but I wake up around 6:15," Gina Mechling, a student at TMJH, states. “I am still tired at school.” They want it to be more enjoyable, with less stress. Cayden Gray, another student from TMJH, states, "I get up at 5:45, I don't like how tired I am at school during the day."
Even teachers disagree with the schooling time. Mrs. Hurner, a French teacher at Treasure Mountain Junior High, also gave her opinion. "I get up at 5:15. I don't like to be rushed, and enjoy a little time to stretch and meditate. I also make a smoothie which takes some time. I still feel like it's too early and wish that school started at a regular time so that my wake-up time could be more reasonable.”
And not to mention high school students need time to get homework done. All of these activities and schoolwork, can cause stress, and lack of sleep. Some high school students, are up until 12:30 at night finishing homework. Plus students have to take tests once the school bell rings. Not only is it hard for teenagers to wake up so early but then they need to take a test that early in the morning!
Some reasons why Park City schools start so early, is because of the school bus schedule and time for after school activities. These activities include performing arts, sports, and time for a part-time job. Although the time is nice for students, many of them would be willing to start school later and have later after school activities.
By: Brianna Miller and Julianna Foltynowicz
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