Thursday, March 10, 2016

Rock, Paper, Sisters: The Pros and Cons of Having a Younger Sibling

Siblings can be a driving force in one's life. They can create life-long alliances that outlast many other friends and relationships. You can go to them for anything; advice, help, backup...

But sometimes, you just want to throw a blanket over their head and pretend they're not there.

Since I'm technically an only child, you may think I'm not too qualified to be talking about siblings; you would be right, if you weren't so wrong. I do indeed have a sister. She's a year younger than me, an inch and a half taller than me, and only slightly less annoying. Summer and I have known each other for five and a half years, and we're so close we could have grown up together. For almost six years, we've lived two doors from each other, within shouting distance of each other's windows. She walks me home from school, I help her with her homework, I annoy her, she teases me... If you didn't know better, you would totally believe it was biological!

Pro: Siblings are built-in best friends.
Since the day we've met, Summer and I have been thick as thieves. Our first big adventure started when I accidentally broke a tree branch off of an aspen by our apartment complex's playground - the two of us proceeded to hide it behind a fence like it was a dead body. More recently, we've pursued a project of taking multiple recordings of Summer's incredibly annoying but hilarious laugh, and putting it into an iMovie. I'm considering saving it to play at her wedding.

Con: They're not required to be nice.
Like all relationships in life, things between Summer and I aren't always fine and dandy. Although we haven't fought for years, it's been for a good reason - when we do fight, it gets bad. Well, not "screaming matches and knife-throwing" bad, but bad for us. We've sat in brooding, angry silence, each irritated with the other, but silent until the annoyance finally boils over and one of us snaps, says something nasty, then storms out. These instances always leave us upset, so we try our best to avoid them.

Pro: You always have someone with whom to hang out.
When I'm ready to rant about an obnoxious kid at school, Summer's waiting. When she needs a shoulder to cry on, I have a shoulder, tissues, and a Netflix comedy ready to play... Oh, and one of us is going somewhere fun? The other is already waiting in the car.

Con: They always want to hang out.
While the above statement can be taken either way, it's true that one of us can become too much for the other to handle. If I'm home and Summer's too lazy to ring the doorbell, but has already called me a few times, she'll start to throw pinecones at my window until I wake up from my nap or take out my earbuds!

Pro: Siblings have your back.
I doubt there's anyone else in the world I trust as much as Summer. We're partners in crime, through thick and thin. If it was zombie apocalypse right now, she would be my in my A-team, along with John Cena (and this one kid we met in a game of dodgeball - that kid could throw with such amazing accuracy that he needs to be recruited for the Avengers!).

Con: That means they always have the perfect opportunity to push you!
Does anything else have to be said? If they see an opening, chances are that they'll nudge you just enough for you to lose your balance and fall into mud. Or grass. Or a pool.

Overall, siblings are irreplaceable. No one can make me laugh harder or argue longer than Summer, and I know that she can put her full faith in me at any time (even if I do mess with her often). I would yell at anyone making fun of her, and, if the situation was reversed, she would hit them. I'm grateful to have my little sister for every Netflix binge, writing session and laugh attack to come.

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