Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Trump Wins Again: A Personal Opinion

On Tuesday, February 9th, Donald Trump (Republican) won the New Hampshire primary, along with Bernie Sanders (Democrat). The New Hampshire primary is a voting process where people from New Hampshire vote on who they believe should be the candidates for the upcoming presidential election.

I believe that Donald Trump should not be a top candidate for president. Although some of his ideas do make sense, some are also immoral. For example, his concept about illegal immigrants. He stated that "a wall needs to be put in place surrounding the country.” This idea mainly attacks the Muslim culture. Just because of one awful terrorist group, he is labeling an entire category of people in the same way. I don’t believe that this idea is politically correct.

Another important idea to him would result in large cuts in money put towards education. He would discard the Common Core, which is what most public schools use as a guideline today. He claims that he would also cut the Department of Education.

After interviewing a Park City High School student about her opinion on Donald Trump, she stated, “I think that he is insane and so are his ideas. I would want to move to a different country if he became president.” Although this student’s thoughts about Trump are on the extreme side, there are many others that feel the same way. 

I fear what would happen to our country if Donald Trump became president. The ideas listed above are merely a small glimpse of how he wants to change the United States. I believe that he would cause more problems than he would fix. In all honesty, I’m questioning how safe I would feel with him in control.

"Donald Trump on the Issues." Donald Trump on the Issues. N.p., 2015. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.

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