Friday, February 12, 2016

Sleep Hacks- By Murph and Sydney L.

Oftentimes, getting to sleep on time is incredibly difficult for students with so many things going on in their lives. Sleep is incredibly important, however, and with sufficient sleep comes good health. Turning off your phone (which can be pretty impossible) isn’t the only thing that will help get you to sleep, so here are a few sleep secrets that will get you fast asleep in no time. 

1. Take a hot bath or shower before bed!

When in hot water, your body temperature will rise, so, when you get out, your body begins rapidly cooling by contrast. When your body temperature drops, you often become more relaxed and drowsy - anything that causes a drop in body temperature is likely to make you feel sleepier.

2. Sleep on your left!

Sleeping on your left side is very healthy for your body in general, affecting spleen function, lymphatic drainage, and digestion. Not only that, however, but it can also help you to fall asleep more quickly. The left side is more dominant in controlling heart rate, so by sleeping on your left, you are able to make it easier for your heart rate to settle down and increase circulation to the heart, making your entire body feel more relaxed and balanced when in bed. (

3. Stay away from caffeine in the afternoon!

Coffee is a great way to get you up and moving in the morning; however, caffeine can stay in your system for about ten hours after consumption. This may be contributing to your sleep troubles, because it is a stimulant. Next time you're reaching for that 4 o’clock coffee, think about the impact it can have on your bedtime.

4. Wear socks!

Even though keeping your socks on all night can be difficult, it might actually help you fall asleep. Research has found that, right before you go to sleep, your body redirects blood flow to your hands and feet to redistribute heat from your core to your extremities, triggering sleep. However, if your feet are cold, they will inhibit blood flow. By wearing socks, you can ensure that your feet will warm and the blood cells will widen, increasing blood flow. An increase in blood flow will help you fall asleep. Alternatively, if falling asleep with socks on is just too hard, then you can try placing a warm water bottle at the end of your bed. (

5. Drink tea!

It's not a good idea to drink caffeinated tea, of course, as explained above. Still, drinking chamomile tea might help a lot. Tea made from herbs and flowers have not only been used as effective remedies for centuries, but they are extremely reliable when trying to relax. According to the American Chemical Society, a cup of chamomile tea will increase your body's production of a chemical that relaxes nerves and is effectively a gentle tranquilizer.

6. Just breathe!

Dr. Michelle Gordon, founder of Northern Westchester Surgical Associates in Putnam Valley, New York, has a trick for stressful situations and falling asleep can be quite stressful. It’s called the 4-7-8 technique and it is thought to help you clear your mind. Touch your tongue behind your top front teeth and: 1. Breathe through your nose for four seconds, 2. Hold your breath for seven seconds, 3. Blow air out of your mouth while making a “whoosh” sound for eight seconds. Repeating this process as few as three times may quickly cause you to fall asleep!

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