Friday, April 17, 2015

Three things to do while in Zion, Utah.

Zion National Park is a stunningly beautiful place. Located in Southern Utah, it is where some of the Mormon settlers founded small villages. It's home to many different species of wildlife, and many gorgeous hiking trails that are available most of the year. If you have a chance to go down there, these are some things that you really should do.

1. Angle's Landing.

Despite most of the internet calling it "The most dangerous hike in the U.S," Angle's Landing is something to put on your bucket list. This mostly uphill hike provides great views only rivaled by the Observation Point Trail. It's recommended in the late day, because by then most people will have gone back to their hotel. Unless done early or later in the day, the hike will be in full sun. Always, always remember to bring plenty of water. It's also recommended only with older members of the family, as fatalities have occurred on the trail.

2. Biking down Zion Canyon.

This is a fun experience for the whole family. By taking bikes up to the top of the canyon, more specifically the Temple of Sinawava, tourists are able to bike all the way down to the park entrance. It's 7.8 miles almost all downhill from the top of the canyon. People can bike from the top to Zion Lodge, grab lunch, and then bike the rest of the way. It is recommended that cyclists pack plenty of water for the journey. Those feeling really adventurous can bike up the canyon and back down, logging 15.6 miles. Just remember, on the stretch of road from the junction to the top, busses won't pass moving bikers, so pull over and stop when a bus is behind you. Make sure to take the Pa'rus Trail from the park entrance to the junction to avoid traffic.

3. Gooseberry Mesa

Weather you're a hardcore mountain biker with technical skill, or a motocross junkie with a need for speed, the Gooseberry Mesa has something for everybody. A great route for motocross is a 28.6 mile route from inside Zion canyon to the Apple Valley gas station. Mountain biking trails are plentiful up on the mesa, and it is a great place for technical and fast riders alike

Zion Canyon Biking Time-lapse: Courtesy of Spyderwillster.

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