Tuesday, March 3, 2015

How To: Get Through School During March

March is infamous for being the cruelest month of the school year. Not because of the weather, or because there are many finals due to the end of the quarter. Those are pretty good reasons to dislike this month, but the main reason it makes the school year difficult is since March doesn’t have any holiday breaks. Plenty of people have taken this into consideration and have come up with a couple of ways to make sure that your month of March is the best it can be, even if vacations aren’t an option.

First, you can celebrate all of the small holidays. There are plenty of random holidays that happen everyday, that are just hoping to get noticed by the public. Some of these holidays include March 3rd (National Pancake Day), in which you can receive a free short stack of pancakes from iHOP, or March 14 (National Pi Day), which occurs on this day because it is 3.14.15. On National Pi Day, feel free to do as much math, or eat as much pie, as you please. If you need inspiration for what other days to celebrate, this is a website to inform you of some prime examples: http://www.holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/march.htm. Hopefully this will make March go by with more excitement and happiness.

Second, set goals for yourself. Quarter three is ending during March, so you might as well try your best to end it after meeting all of your goals. Some goals you can set are to get a certain grade up to an A, make it on the Honor Roll, or to get a really great grade on a final project or test. After you set these goals, make small efforts to get them done. Study for a final, spend extra time on your weekends to finish a project, turn in all of your missing assignments before grades lock, etc. You will feel accomplished by the end of the quarter and your teachers will be happy with you as well.

Third, try to be positive. It isn’ t hard to feel sad, or even mad, about March being break free with all of the stress school is putting on you, but you shouldn’t feel the need to be negative. Make it your best effort to look forward to March, even if it means doing small things to get your mind off of the fact that there aren’t any vacations. For example, you can count down the days until spring break. This will take your mind off of school a bit, and you’ll be able to slowly get more excited for your upcoming vacation.

When all of these things have been done, and March is over, hopefully this month will be more fun. Even if you don’t get school off for any of the silly holidays throughout March, you’ll have celebrated them just for fun. Hopefully, you will have reached the goals you had set for yourself, and are positive. Good luck, March!

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