Monday, February 2, 2015

What not to do During Sundance

Sundance is the most hectic, busy, and frustrating two weeks of every year in Park City, so instead of contributing to the craziness, here are a few tips to avoiding this years chaos.

Do not drive down Main Street if it can be helped. There is an eternal traffic jam on Main Street during Sundance and it takes way to long to get anywhere that way, walking or taking the bus is the best bet for getting to the attractions and films on Main Street.

 Walkers should also be aware that there are other people trying to get to other places and stopping and standing in the middle of the road and not moving tends to annoy everyone. The sidewalks are not wide and walking in the road is dangerous, so just get out of the way when stopping.

One of the most common horrors witnessed during Sundance is women wearing high heels. Then because of the inappropriate shoe choice, they end up falling like bowling pins. Moral of the story, never wear high heels when it is icy.

It is also just good to be nice to the volunteers, who do not want to deal with rude or whinny film goes. It is important to treat them respectively.

For a better experience, avoid all of the above.

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