Monday, February 2, 2015

Can Soda Age You as Much as Smoking?

     Soda -- that carbonated, sugary, and aging drink that we all love. A recent study  that was issued in the American Journal of Public Health states that and excessive amount of soda can “age your immune cells up to two years”.
     Other than aging, soda can cause multiple body changes, illnesses, and in some cases, death. One body change is fat in odd places; fat surrounding your liver and muscles. Scientists did a study and monitored big soda drinkers for ten years, and found that their waste size increased 70% and over. They compared it to non soda drinkers. Studies also show that the caramel coloring (they put in drinks like Pepsi and Coke) cause cancer in animals.
     Soda can also cause diabetes, heart attacks, and death. “Every 1 in 100 deaths are caused by sugary drinks. An overdose in sugar is one way it can cause a heart attack, and cause death.” 
     Is the Soda Stream any healthier than regular soda? The difference between Soda Stream products and Cola products is that Soda Stream uses real sugar, while Cola uses high-fructose corn syrup. A glass of SodaStream is 35 calories, when the same size glass of Cola is 100 calories.

     In an interview with 15 students, one said they don’t drink soda, four said they drink about one bottle a week, five said they drink about two bottles a week, four said they drink about three bottles a week, and one said they drink about four bottles a week. Four bottles of soda is around 156g of sugar.

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